Project name: Harpers Preserve East Village
Category: Planning, Landscape
Client: Sam Yager Inc.
Area: 780 ac
Location: Conroe, TX

The property had been in litigation resulting from the previous developer’s failure to adhere to wetlands regulations. The property was sold in foreclosure and a negotiated agreement was reached between the buyer and the ACOE. The planning and design problem was to re-position the portions of the development that had been implemented while setting a new direction for the remainder of the property while mitigating the adverse surrounding impacts. The eastern expansion of Harper’s Preserve was unburdened from the development errors of the prior developer. Consequently the Master Plan and landscape design for East Village was constructed to optimize land values and resident enjoyment.

A entry corridor flanked by commercial lands uses terminated at the residential entry gate. The gate area constituted in itself a buffer to the adjacent neighborhood and elementary school site. The Harper’s Trace spine road was fronted by a neighborhood of high end homes and open space windows and parks. A continuous trail and covered mailbox shelters punctuated the long and dramatic entry drive. Lakeside parks and trails linked the pedestrian experience spatially in a comprehensive landscape event.