Project name: Fulshear Creek Crossing
Client: DHK Development
Area: 570 ac
Location: Fulshear, TX

The site is located approximately 9 miles from the “edge” of current suburban development immediately south...[read more]

of and contiguous with the historical town of Fulshear. The development goal was to create a community that could compete with the suburban product from an inferior “interior” location and with a land cost basis lesser than suburban while greater than ex-urban tracts then transacting.

The program solution was to develop 1/4 acre lots mixed with some larger estate lots that were spatially defined by the interlacing of a generous amount of open space that produced “hamlet” like neighborhoods. Over 30% of the total land area which included Fulshear Creek, was designated community open space. The resultant neighborhood clusters were laid out in a modified grid. The grids sometimes “reflect” the natural open spaces thereby softening the rigidity of the grid.

Central to the community, a large lake and lake club are to be developed in a 20 acre central open space while over 24,000 linear feet of trails interconnect the over 130 acres of various forms of open space. Pedestrian bridges enable multiple stream crossings further connecting the community areas.

A commercial extension of the Old Town is proposed to help revitalize the City and offer new tax base, a central park, historic preservation and a possible city hall to the core area of the City.