Project name: Clearwater
Category: Planning, Legacy
Client: Asia City Group
Area: 3487 ac
Location: Houston, TX

The Consultant retained the services of the highly respected Charles Frazier of Hilton Head Island fame, the creator of “psychographic analysis”, American Lives and a local civil engineer to analyze the physical and demographic context and help create a community concept for the property. The resulting direction was to turn the back towards the existing community and link the City fabric with a bridge across the river directly back to Beltway 8. 

The Consultant retained the services of the highly respected Charles Frazier of Hilton Head Island fame, the creator of “psychographic analysis”, American Lives and a local civil engineer to analyze the physical and demographic context and help create a community concept for the property. The resulting direction was to turn the back towards the existing community and link the City fabric with a bridge across the river directly back to Beltway 8. 

The plan proposed to create a waterfront community with a traditional plan and a waterfront town center. A portion of the property was dedicated to retirement housing while the remaining was a mix of town center middle density and country club residential. The lower area flood plain land was deemed best suited to exurban large lot residential.