Project name: Big Elk Meadows Riparian Restoration & Recreational Master Plan
Category: Planning, Landscape
Client: Big Elk Meadows Association
Area: 662 ac
Location: Big Elk Meadows, CO

Ravaged by the 2013 epic flood event, the Village of Elk Meadows sought to establish a recovery plan. Utilizing  site visitation data and recent topography, SLA prepared an analysis of the central stream and localized watershed(s) to identify critical areas for restoration and/or habitat creation.  Areas contributing to poor water quality were targeted for upland vegetative filtration methods. Low erosion areas sought for public access and basin areas for wetland and deep water habitats. Solar analysis was performed to identify the best areas for an expanded recreational program. SLA created a community identification program including entry monumentation, wayfinding and other place making street furniture elements in support of a long term redevelopment.