Project name: The Arboretum
Client: Trammell Crow
Area: 97 ac
Location: Austin, TX

The successful Master Plan, landscape and image development for this 97-ac tract...[read more]

strategically located at Highway 360 and 183 North, was the result of a developer sponsored planning competition. The property is located in a sensitive watershed with karst features and beautiful live oak trees. The plan provided for a coordinated series of open space elements carefully integrated with the architecture and site plan to preserve the environmental character and storm water detention-retention pond.

SLA worked closely with the architects in developing the overall plan, project character, developmental densities, circulation systems, streetscape recommendations, and the material palette, and was responsible for the land use distribution, open space system, landscape materials, and thematic development of the Master Plan. The juxtaposition of formal gardens tiering down the slope to a 40-acre preservation zone provides a stunning contrast from this bluffside development to the surrounding oak and cedar covered hills. The development has become a destination landmark in the Austin SMSA.

The plan resulted in a successful rezoning of the property with the entitlements needed to develop the mixed use program desired by the developer.